Monday, February 11, 2008

It's Another Outing, Baby..!

Last saturday, we went to Nasya's birthday party at Kelab Tasik Putrajaya. Very sweet party i guessed. Unluckily, we reached there very late evening, bout 6.40pm. It was becoz i have to wait for my husband arrival from Pahang. Nway, thanks to Mai bcoz dgn baik hatii sanggup menunggu kami. hehehe... Damia was very happy to be there! She played wit the balloon, walking sana-sini, jatuh-jatuh lagi... So0o happy la dia even she's actually sleepy. hehehe.. One more thing, I loved the food! Siap tapau lagi before go back home. Thx mai.

It seems like she was born yesterday but now she's walking. How fast the time goes by? Uhh..

After that we headed towards Kompleks Kerajaan. Damia was so excited to see the colorful lights/neons all along d way. But it's just a few minutes b4 she start to merengekk and request for her milk. But when we reached dataran in front of d mosque, she's very excited to walk n play. Ayah snap a few pics but all of it were not in a gud quality. Lighting noise! Damia was so bz walking here n there, fall down, up and walk again n again until la she fell for d 3rd time i guessed, n she crying. I tot she cried bcoz of her hand tersepit but when i pick her up i saw a blood in her mouth. Im shocked n really nervous. Then bcoz of that, me & hubby made a decision to go back home. Poor damia...

Really love this pic! (plz ignore those fat at my body)

Also this pic! A bit noise la... but really love, just 3 of us!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Car Seat Baruuu

Ni ha saje je nk tayang carseat baru damia... hehehe.. takde la brand2 bagus sgtt tp bg aku sweet cherry tu da bagus la.. hehe.. mahal gak nehh.. 3++. ampehh jekk.. sib baik beli time sale dpt la 271. nk train damia dok lam carseat.. senang skett nnt. ari2 dok ingat kat mai ngan nasya.. agaknye memula nk train nasya dulu seksanya camni la kott kan.. asik merengekkk jekk..

Dok lam keta bukan nye diam.. macam2 cara duduk dia.. tau2 tgn da kuar dr belt. hehehe... pasni kena grip lebih..