1st of April, we had a small celebration. It's a BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! Alhamdulillah, the celebration goes very well. In less than 2 weeks time of preparation.. looking here and there.. sms, email, call..... which is a very last minute i think becoz all the suppliers ( i mean; food, balloons, etc) are all busy and already booked by others. I dont have much time, but yet i have to find anyone that can take my orders.. esp for helium balloons.. i need someone that can deliver the balloons to my doorstep. Pheww~~
It was not a very grand celebration. But i tried to make it a very memorable one esp for my children, and also my guest. I took 2-days of annual leave to settle everything.. went to ikea to buy kids colorfull cup, culinary set etc... went to shah alam to collect the halal marshmallow (have delivery service but sure they will arrive after the party hahaha), went to bakery shop to order a cake, went to tesco to buy candy etc...
And on 31st of March got my niece's wedding ceremony. So from friday nite we already fully occupied. Help to prepare the goodies bag etc at the hall. I will update the story n pic in my next entry okey... So let's the pic do the job! hahahaha.... actually want to hire a photographer but then my fren got another job - to shoot a wedding. So i ask a newly-wed to snap the pictures... Thx anyway...

thanks to:
jasmeen - for angry bird n timmy time bday cake
mypinkvanilla - for a yummy creampuff, ladybugs muffin and fancy cookies
newzealand cake house - for khalif's bday cake
cikmin - for a very wonderful and sweet macaroon
zita - sand art
Thx everybody!!!!!
Meriahnya bday party sorang satu dpt kek ye..:-)
sue mcm mana nak dapat sand art tu?,,,,
alahai... dah besar dah 2 beradik tuh... selamat hari jadi dari auntie untuk kalian 3 beradik...semoga membesar menjadi anak yang bijak ye... damia dah genap 5 tahun ye.. Aqilah bulan 5 ni...
waaah soooo happening!
mesti happy sangat anak2 kan...budak2 yg dtg pun mesti happy juge ni.,~
happy belated besday to both of them~
meriahnyaaaaaa....tak ada rezki nak join.....seeronok tgk 3 beradik tu:)
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