O-Owh.. it's a quite late to intro my new hubby. 'We' tied the knot on 8th May 2008. Feel better in his 'hug' compared to my not-so-old hubby. And in order to make a good relationship, also to test his 'horse power', we went out of Klang Valley for 1 week. Yeahh.. We had OUR honeymoon.. huhuhu..
Introducing my NEW HUBBY :

and i'm soooooooooooooo jelez :(
Insyaallah ade rezeki nanti tu
cuak je aku baca "new hubby"...bila pulak kawen baru..hahahha..sue, aku pon jelezzz...bila la aku nak tuko keta pulak nih...sabarrrr je nak abiskan bayar keta lagi setahun nih...caiyok caiyok..
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