-jgn bagi ubat yg beli kat kedai, baby n toddler below 6yrs (ke 4yrs ekk? aku belasah je, da lupa) shd not be medicated that way unless got an advice from prof.doc
-Jmp la paed. In my case, will bring damia to kpj kajang maybe this evening or tomorrow la since damia pun da sebulan batuk2. da bagi ubat klinik pon still tak sembuh. sama kes la ngan haiqal.
Ubat batuk damia yg kaler ijau tu (dpt kat klinik Mazni cheras baru) langsung tak membantu. Ade lagi 1/2 botol dok simpan dlm fridge. Abang kan tiap kali damia batuk, mesti tanya aku 'tak bagi ubat batuk ke..' aku pon jawab 'bagi...' padahal tak bagi pun. Sebab apa aku tak bagi?? Sebab.. damia mesti lalok lepas minum ubat tu, aku takut efek kat otak ke ape ke.. so better bwk jmp paed. Tapi kat cheras tu aku tak tau la pulak klinik paed kat mana. Kpj jek la, dekat ngan opis.
Pastu tadik aku surf and jumpa satu website, very informative. 'dia' kata ada different types of cough. Maybe damia mengalami barky cough, tu hasil pendengaran aku masa dia batuk la. So ade advice on home medication iaitu :
1. Take a child who wakes up with a "barky" or "croupy" cough in the middle of the night into the bathroom, close the door, and let the shower run on hot for several minutes. After the room steams up, sit in the bathroom with your child for about 20 minutes. The steam should help ease breathing. Try reading a book together to pass the time.
2. A cool-mist humidifier in your child's bedroom might help with sleep. Cool beverages like juice can be soothing; avoid carbonated or citrus drinks, however, because they can be painful on raw areas.
3. You should not give your child (especially a baby or toddler) OTC cough medicine without specific instructions to do so from your doctor.
4. Cough drops, which are fine for older kids, are a choking hazard for young kids. It's best to avoid them unless your doctor says that they are safe for your child.
Ha kan betul aku info syikin tu pasal bolded sentence tu.. OTC means on-the-counter okeh. For more info plz click here. Okehh.. ni pic masa balik keje, memandangkan damia kena tinggal kat umah ngan opah, so terpaksa la bwk dia jalan2 naik keta balik dr keje tu. Singgah kat gerai makan pulak coz nk minum/makan2.
Huh.. lapaq sungguh haihhhh.. terjelirrr lidah anak aku nampak teh 'o' ais. Bukan dia nk minum pun tapi sibuk nak mengacau straw dlm air tu sampai tertumpah2 atas meja.
Ni masa gi kedai buku kat tesco. Excited dia tengok poster animals ni. So beli la, nk tempek kat dinding umah nanti..
Ada lagi 1/2jam time rehat ni. Nak menziarah Linda kat tkgt 6 la.. nak anyam ketupat sebelum raya. Hhahahahah... adios.. wait for me okeh linda..
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