Dalam byk2 website, aku kerap lawati TheLilCaliph.com. Skang ni pulak TLC tgh buat New Year 2009 Contest. Hadiahnye amat menarik! Grand prize winner boleh pilih percutian 4D3N kat Phuket atau Bali. Another 2 winner pulak bakal memenangi percutian 3D2N di Redang, Tioman ataupun Langkawi. Waaallaaaaaa~~~!! besttnye kan? kan?

Ok.. just nak share with all of you apa yg menarik dalam TLC ni.. Since i am looking for breastfeeding essential, so here we go ~
1. MOM's Precious Breastmilk Bottle

-compatible with most standard pump systems including Medela and Ameda (Medela is a trademark of Medela Inc. and Ameda is a trademark of Ameda AG). Aku nanti guna Spectra3 n mmg compatible gak dgn bottle ni
-Lain2 info bole klik link atas tu2. Breastmilk Storage Bags

- Playtex Breastmilk Storage bags RM39.90 for 100pcs (if i'm not mistaken)
Both are great!
3. Milkmaid tea RM36.00 (currently have a discount. B4 disc RM45.00)

-blend of 100% organic fennel seed, organic fenugreek, organic nettles, organic red raspberry leaf, organic orange peel and more to increase the production of breastmilk.
-It's a must have item in my shopping list!!
-Sebabnye? 1st experience bf dulu, my milk supply tak byk. Tiap kali pump paling byk dpt pun ada la 30z. Tu pun sekali dua jek. So kali ni kena amik supplement la utk increase my milk production.
-i got a fren who had experienced with this tea. She said 'SUPERB!!!' n ask me to try it. Why not kan??
To people out there, come & visit thelilcaliph.com for more info. Dan bukan setakat Breastfeeding Essential je yg ada.. Byk category lain lg yg ada dlm TLC ni. Dan yang penting... TLC give us a great offer!! Apa tunggu lagii.....
hmmm kiter pun kalo bleh nak full b/feed kat aqeel.. so far skang ni x campur lagi... hmm bagus bila leh bg susu badan sepenuh nyer...
congrats as.. mesti aqeel bam bam kan? sbb tgk budak yg bf ni sume nye sihat.. gebuuu je!
niat yang suci murni kan...
teringin juga de next baby nak full bf...insyaallah...
kak puteri.. cayok2.. hehe cepat2 bagi aqilah adekkkk
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