Tapi skarang dah tukar nama ke Brainy Bunch International Islamic Montessori.
Semalam aku dah pergi daftarkan Damia. Masa daftar pun memang aku saja bawak damia sekali sebab dia cerewet jugak nak pilih sekolah. Masa sampai tu nampak riak wajah dia gembira sangat. So lepas cikgu tu explain serba sikit pasal sekolah tu, pasal education dia, pasal fees... aku tanya damia samada dia nak ke tak sekolah kat situ. Terus dia jawab 'nakk....' sambil senyum2 gembira.
Kebetulan, masa kami datang tu, walaupun cuti sekolah, tetap ada kelas jugak untuk students yang nak la... so damia tengok ramai kawan kat situ.. tu yang dia happy je. Yang aku suke tu, budak2 umur 5-6tahun tu bercakap sesama diorang pun speaking english tuuu.. siap dgn slang skali..
Memandangkan permintaan yang tinggi, so start tahun depan diorang buat 2 sessi - pagi dan petang. So untuk sessi pagi da penuh sebab mostly students sedia ada da booked and priority utk diorang la kan. Tapi aku request gak kalau ada kekosongan, aku nak damia skolah pagi. Harap2 ada la yang available.
So ini aku nyatakan serba ringkas yuran sekolah ni yea. Untuk rekod aku, dan juga untuk makluman kawan2 yang memerlukan...... boleh jugak jadi panduan untuk tahun depan.
Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori School
- Registration fees = rm 150.00
- Materials & stationery = rm 350.00
- Jan & dec 2011 fees = rm 500.00 (rm250/month)
- Insurance = rm 20.00
- Uniform/bag = rm 40.00
- Sportswear = rm 40.00
TOTAL = rm 1100.00
- uniform = rm 40.00 each
- daycare = rm 150.00
- Transport = rm 30.00 / rm 60.00 (depends on ur home location)
- swimming class = rm 50.00
Tapi untuk swimming class tu, teacher kata tengok pada permintaan. Kalau ramai, baru ada class. Kalau tak.. takde lah. Sebab baru nak start next year ni... Masih dalam perbincangan. Tak kisah la.. kalau ada pun bagus jugak kan.
Damia baru nak masuk 4tahun, next yr. Tak pe la.. bukan nak paksa dia jadi pandai sangat pun. Since dia dah excited sangat.. hari2 cakap nak pergi sekolah.. so aku pun daftar juga la. Lagipun kalau tengok damia dengan budak2 age 5-6yr tu, tak nampak pun bezanya.. sama je besar n tinggi. Even ada anak teacher tu dah 4 ke 5 yr tah.. kecik comelll je. So harap2nya damia suka dengan skolah dia.
Oh ya.. untuk sessi pagi, class start dari 8.30am till 11.30am (kalau tak silap la). untuk sessi petang pulak dari 1pm till 4pm. Harap2 ada la kekosongan morning class tu. Sebab kalau petang tu macam dah letih la pulak sebab pagi2 kat rumah sure tak duduk diam punye.. Tak kisah la.......
wah sekejab jer rasa ank ko dh besar cik sue.. rasa mcm br kejab jer ko kawen.. kekekekeke
tu la kan.. kejap je da besar. ko bile nk beranak plak
anto anak g tadika sekarang pun dh mahal kan..tapi tak pe tuk kebaikan dia gak..yg pnting kita pun ikhlas .. :)
anak mbesar cepat sgt2..kdg2 rasa tak smpat nak manja2 ngan dia huhuhu
betul tu. mmg mahal, mengalahkan nak masuk U. hehe.. mmg betul, tak sempat nk manja kan diorang puas2. Time balik keje kadang penat sangat, bila diorang buat hal mula la hangin satu badan sampai tercengang2 budak2 tu. Ermmmm
oh damia sama ngn aqeel la thn dpn 4thn..
i pun nak antar aqeel ke tadika nextyear, genius aulad maybe
dear...anak I dulu Nuh's Ark Shah Alam...sekarang dah jadi Brainy Bunch Shah Alam..dan mmg puas hati dengan Montessori Method. My son can speak English among his frens very well...takpe belanja utk anak2....lebih baik bagi education dari bg PSP, playstation pelbagai...just my 2 cents
sebaya ngan aqeel rupanya yea. genius aulad pun bagus kan? kat sini, kat bangi ade la.. jauh pulak nk antar dr kajang ke bangi tu. hehe
anon aka zurina,
oh yg nuhs ark s.alam pun tukar nama brainy bunch jugak ek.. wah da ada experience, thx for sharing. tak sabar nk tgk anak i speak english pulak dgn kawan2 dia..betul tu, kuar duit utk edu lagi bagus dr beli barang tah pa pe..
Salam. Im a mother of 4 (9,8,6 & 18mths y/o). Just to share here that all my kids i send to Tadika Sri Puncak Montessori, Country Height. But 4 next yr i sent my 6 y/o daughter to Brainy Bunch, Kajang. Hoping that it was a good centre for nadia next yr.I change the school due to the fees that increase till $500/mth next yr. Even my home is far away frm Saujana Impian, im willing to send her there bcoz of the islamic concept even the prev kindergarten is fully equip with facilities.
Salam.Me again. Just to let u know that i move nadia back to her prev. kindergarten, Tadika Sri Puncak. She refuse to cont. at brainy bunch Kajang. What i found that they are not fully equip with montessori basis. Maybe becoz they just started it this year. Its true what people said"u give peanut..u got monkey". Now she looks happy come back to TSP, Country Height. The swimming class in Brainy Bunch also train by their own staff where we dont know they are qualified as a trainer or not.. somebody should ask about this. When i asking them to refund the dec fees($250)..they just ignore me... now im paying $578(included mntly schoolfees, balet class and agama class) in Tadika Sri Puncak Country Height. If any parents look for montessori kindergarten i fully recomend Tadika Sri Puncak Country Height among Kajang-Bangi area.Most of their teachers were qualified in Early-childhood Education either from local uni or international uni.
hi Ratna. BBIIM still considered as a new montessori kalau nak compared dgn TSP since u kata ur 9yo kid penah skolah di TSP. of course TSP fully equiped since da established like 4-5yrs ago. n since u r willing to pay any amount, u should go for the best. Unlike parents like me and others, we r comparing BBIIM to other kindy like Pasti, Smart reader, Qdees etc. Also comparing the fees.
Salaam to All, to get your record straight. Nuh's Ark Islamic Montessori School has been running in Shah Alam for the past 18 years and is still running at 2A, Jalan Jasper , Seksyen 7, Shah Alam.
We have NEVER change name to any others.
Thank you.
Salam Pn Ratna,
Allow me to share my experience too. I sent my daughter, 6 years old to brainy bunch semenyih. And also planning to remove her from the school. Don't think it worth paying RM450 a month. Yes, I agree with you that the swimming class sometimes just playing balls in the water. Swimming class also conducted at 12:30 pm.. tengah hari buta. Not so condusive and not a good idea at all. Was promised silat and music for STAR programme. But now the silat activity is cancelled and do not hear anything from my daugther psl music class.
Academic wise, it does not prepare 6 years old kiddies to the standard one syllabus. They should be thought multiplication now and they are still counting numbers. No homeworks. My daughter academic development is not progressing, it is weakening.
Now, I am sending my daughter back to Q-Dees.
Miss anon,
anak u masuk STAR prgramme ke? anak i cuma ambik swimming lesson je. pasal academic tu i tak bole nak komen byk coz my doter baru 4yrs. miss anon n pn ratna punye anak dah 6yrs, sure u expect diorang belajar atau at least get ready dgn syllabus std 1 punye.
as for me, i dari awal ada plan lain. my doter hantar gi montessori ni just nak intro dgn dunia sekolah. i prefer playschool since dia pun baru 4yrs. sbb my plan masa dia 5yrs nnt i nak masukkan ke tadika cina. itu my plan la.. tatau la dia nak ke tak nak.
btw, i really appreciate komen miss anon & pn ratna...
Salam Sue,
I register kan my daughter for STAR since I need them the day-care service sekali. Emm... I always thot montessori approach is suitable for 4 years old and it is too late for 6 years old. May be the operator kot yang not efficient.
I pun send my daughter to Q-dees since 4 years old just to get the fun of schooling. Change to islamic montessori coz need her to learn Jawi, Iqra', sembahyang, du'a2, etc. My preference is English medium, got islamic approach and good academic content. So far, I belum jumpa lagi kiddy yg meet my preference di area kajang or semenyih.
Now, I hantar my daughter kelas mengaji after maghrib and the rest kami ajar sendiri lah.
Thank you for sharing too.
Assalammualaikum! Thanks for all the sharing on this blog. I'm Mohd Fadzil Hashim the owner of Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori. We started this school with a clear objective to provide the best environment for us to create the next generation that is way better than us. The brand is just 2 years old and most of our aunties is still developing themselves to be the best educator.
We are 100% montessori school where all the montessori method is fully compliance to any other montessori. The major difference is our fees which is very low for a 100% montessori school.
Because of our fees we have to train our own teachers. Alhamdulillah! we have received great testimonial from many of our parents. There will be some who will not satisfy because we are not perfect but really working hard towards perfection. Visit http://islamicmontessori.com/bbimwp/category/testimonials to read some testimonials.
The pillar of the school is Islam, using 100% Montessori as the approach and English as the medium. We have introduced Standard 1 Prep Plan since last April & Alhamdulillah most of our 6 years old children are getting what they need to enter standard 1.
With our Syariah Advisor on board, Ustaz Muhidin & Ustazah Isfadiah we are introducing our Brainy Muslim program next year.
Dr Maria Montessori said "The most important period of life is not the age of univerisity studies, but the first one, the period from birth to age six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed."
Choosing the right school for the first 6 years is very important. Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said " Each child is born in a state of fitrah, but his parents make him a Jew or a Christian." Please watch Ustaz Don Daniyal advice to understand parents responsibility. Visit our Family Clinic Video to watch Ustaz Don video http://www.youtube.com/user/islamicmontessori#p/a/u/1/h9TRUvdCO3Q
We need your feedback and support to continuously improve our self. Now every parents want the best for their children, that's why our motto is "Follow Your Child's Fitrah! God Willing You Will Find Yours!" We started this school as a parents as well so we know what most of the parents need.
We have setup 12 new campuses to cater to huge demand from our parents. For more info and latest news from us, visit our latest websites @ www.islamicmontessori.com. Do call me directly if you want to help us to build a better generation in the future 019-3303849(fadzil) Wallahhuallam!
I terbuka blog u bila google pasal Islamis Montessori. I plan nak register BBIM, and i notice BBIM pun ada open untuk full day kan?
BBIM punye full day tu dipanggil STAR Programme. U nak register branch mana ek? Better go now, coz STAR Programme ni ada limited seats.... :)
hi sue.. sy pun tgh cari2 tadika utk anak saya. prefer nak hantar ke BBIM ni. anak you tadika di BBIM lg ker? fee structure tu valid lg ker? ke dah naik harga? hehehe.. saja tanya utk survey
salam..hi sue..nak tanye..ok ke BBIM tu? I pegi tgk gak last few weeks...the school nampak ok..but the teachers mcm tak fluent ckp english..i terus tak jadi htr..your experience macam mana?
Salam..nak tanya ada sapa2 yg ada experience dgn BBIM Kota Kemuning? Plan nak htr for my 4 yrs girl next year...
Appreciate ur comments on BBIM...
English medium tu mmg la penting, tapi yg lagi penting pada saya ialah pendidikan ugama dan akademik. Walaupun medium bahasa melayu, ramai cerdik pandai di Malaysia ni yg boleh saya katakan rata2nya semua belajar di sekolah tadika medium bahasa melayu dan ada yg tk pergi sekolah tadika langsung. Lebih2 lagi malaysia galakkan penggunaan bahasa melayu di semua sektor pekerjaan di Malaysia. Lainlah kalau mmg ada perancangan utk hantar anak melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negara atau hijrah ke luar negara, medium english haruslah jadi keutamaan.
salam sy tgh survey pre school for my kid...nk tnye fees utk brainy bunch tue x include years activities lg...so brp fees utk years activities tue?and little scientist fees tue monthly fees ke?or seperate fees...and uniform and sport attire 1 pair each or 2 pair each?
en. raffy,
i try cari blog/email u utk quick respon tp tak jumpa. btw, fees akan berubah ikut pertambahan aktiviti. better check dgn BBIM branch.. Littlescientist punye tu tak silap yearly fees. latest 2013 punye registration fees all in around RM1600... better go n check with the branch....
salam sue, appreciate klu dapat share ur doter pnye progress at BBIM.
i ingt nak hantar but my tele convers ngan the head of one of the branch x bes sgt and i heard the teacher yelling which to me is not good, kan. and turned off nak go for a visit, i heard good reviews as well as bad ones, susah nak cari islamic montessori!!
So, my question now, Brainy Bunch dgn Nuh's Ark adalah MOntessori yg sama atau tidak? apa beza antara Nuh's Ark dan BBIM?? kelihatan dua2 pun montessori tp adakah syllabus anda sama?
Nuh's Ark said...
Salaam to All, to get your record straight. Nuh's Ark Islamic Montessori School has been running in Shah Alam for the past 18 years and is still running at 2A, Jalan Jasper , Seksyen 7, Shah Alam.
We have NEVER change name to any others.
Thank you.
I don't want to comment about which kindy good or not but as long as they can cater my need to prepare my children for standard 1 then should be ok. because from my point of view, our government education system more to academic and now in primary school teacher rush to finish all the syllabus. my kid have to learn and we have to send for tuition to keep up with all government syllabus.
so, everyone have their own preference. montessori, islamic, kindies.
not to say if you send them to non islamic kindy, your kids not learn islamic. you yourself can teach them how with mengaji, hafazan, solat and all basic muslim need and send them to sekolah agama when they in primary school. we as adult have to learn the islamic way. not only children. when we have good foundation and follow islamic teaching than you can teach your kids to follow you.
Salam semua,
Credit untuk BBM dalam menyediakan taska islam 100% english . Sebagai parents kita kena faham kekangan dana menyebabkan taska seperti BBM tak mampu engaged tenaga pengajar berkualitas jauh sekali 'fluent'.
Kita ibubapa sebenarnya terpedaya dengan istilah 100% english dan islamic montessori.
Realitinya meraka akan engaged siapa sahaja school leavers or spm holder kerana itu sahaja yang bayar murah dipasaran.
My 2cent opinion , sorry no harm.
*penulis mempunyai 3anak sekolah kebangsaan, 2anak sekolah cina dan bongsu 1tahun penulis bercita2 hantar dia ke BBM. - nadz
Salam Sister,
Do u mind sharing ur experience hantar ur kid to BBIM?
ramai nak tahu nih. I pun nak tahu. hehe...
*tengah survey nak masukkan anak ke tadika yg Islamic based and in English. thanks
Salam pada semua yang menulis dalam blog ini,
Saya suka membaca semua jenis blog dari travel to food and education.
Everyone is so concern about the preschools for their children. Now the new phenomenon is ISLAMIC MONTESSORI. In the first place Maria Montessori is an Italian not a Muslim. Montessori goes beyond STD 1 that many parents are so concerned about. If the school offers a TRUE Montessori's program all parents have no worry as it prepares them for life. Islamic studies should be an added program or subject as Malaysia is Islamic country. As many are abusing the name MONTESSORI and I hope parents are not blinded by the word ISLAMIC too. How many parents took the time to googgle as much information about MONTESSORI and understands the philosophy behind it. Memorising du'a is good but understanding the content in bahasa is another. If I offended anybody along the I beg forgiveness from all concerns ie parents and school operators.
Hi, I feel really regret right now sending both my kids tu bbim Kajang. Truly, they not focusing for children development.I dont see any progress in my kids reading or math..(only simple math counting 1 n 10). Why I said this, is because my eldest sent to smart reader last 2 years, and when he reach 6 years, he know how to read story books without help from parent, and can do math +-x easily. In fact when he start schooling for standard 1, he has no diffculty to learn since this is not new to him. Just because concern for Islamic teaching. Thus I decided to send my 2&3 child( 6yrs and 5 yrs) to bbim and expecting the outcome to be same or more than smart reader since bbim fee is more exp, but all my thought was wrong. Not sure now, if I want to stop them, do they will refund my money..
Kak, Nak tanya kan. Fees tu untuk setahun ke sebulan?
I just keluarkan anak from bbim.not worth paying.tutup pada hari bekerja.teacher cakap broken english..masukkan anak salah program.nightmare.
susahnye nk pilih tadika yg terbaik utk anak2..sy pun tgh servey2 jugak..ade cdgn x?
susahnya nk carik tadika yang terbaik yang boleh buat kita puas hati dgn bayaran dan kemajuan anak2..saya juga sedang servey tadika area shah alam..any cadangan??
susahnya nk carik tadika yang terbaik yang boleh buat kita puas hati dgn bayaran dan kemajuan anak2..saya juga sedang servey tadika area shah alam..any cadangan??
Slm , I pun ada pngalaman hantar anak ke BBIM awal 2013 & I dah pun keluarkn anak I dr BBIM dlm tempos seminggu sahaja..Allah sahaja yg tahu ap yg I rasa..l sangat kecewa dgn BBIM kerana buat iklan di media massa tetapi sistem yg di buat adalah tidak sama dan x spt dijanjikan.sebagai seorg ibu (spt ibu2 lain),sudah pasti I buat homework&sering ikuti pkembgan anak2 .BBIM,pliz take note:1.there was no open day n orientation day for new students n parents. 2.I asked one of ur staff e.g edu. qualification etc n I surprised when she answered'saya malu la kak(sambil dia gelak2),saya cuma ada sijil bahagian jahitan".. 3.any amendment of events were not informed to parents n when we got mad,they just said "sorry,we are human n make mistake.4.when we called,SMSes,there were no reply and answer.5.no 100% English medium,bcoz when I asked my kid,he cried. Then I asked the teacher n the teacher said,"kita tak boleh nak cakap English la kak sebab ramai budak2 melayu kt cni,kt rumah x cakap English,susah kita nk bg arahan,mereka x faham"..so?u know the answer,rite? N lots more to list down.secara jujurnya,i bukan nk mencari kesalahan.I berharap BBIM jgn memperdayakn kami n tolong perbaiki sistem Montessori anda supaya sistem anda or SOP anda sama di setiap cwngan BBIM.kami bukan dr golongan org kaya tetapi harapan kami musnah bila apa yg kami percaya,lihat dan dengar adalah dusta.I halalkn duit yuran anak I tetapi BBIM,tolong jgn perdayakn harapan ibu bapa lain.
same goes to me.my registration fee gone! after sending my doter for 3days only..they refuse to refund my registration fee.regret! my doter refuse to go to BBIM. she said "mummy,alot of naughty boy there..they knock2 my head" now it is nightmare for her to go to any "school". currently stay with my MIL. next year 5yrs.i have to find another school for her. pity us!
Salam everyone,
I pun nak share jugak my experience send my first son to Nuh's Ark Saujana Impian in 2010. He was 4 years old. Expensive tu satu hal but I don't mind paying for education. Walaupun just to introduce him to kinder environment. At first, memang promised itu ini. Ada report day whatever la kan...mmg ada problem bila anak kita tak fluent english, tiba-tiba pegi kinder semua speaking. So, I got that one. Tapi from time to time I tak nampak langsung perubahan. Even my son macam malas nak pegi. You know what? Report day yang dijanjikan haram takde. Bila I tanya kenapa takde report on my son's progress? Ohh one of the teacher said, kita pernah bagi report book tapi ada student yg hilangkan, so kita stop. WTF??? just like that? I was pregnant my 2nd son that time. Bila dekat2 nak bersalin, I took advance leave and plan to bring my son together. Kira tak attend school la. About 1 month jugak sbb I stay umah my mil because of my condition. Then, I ckp boleh tak advance fee november tu cover bulan yang dia tak datang? Mmg tak consider langsung la...kira bayar buta2. Disebabkan diorang berkira dengan I, I pun berkira balik. padan muka...I ckp I tak puas hati langsung dgn Islamic MOntessori konon2, iklan macam bagus tapi result seriously disappointed. So bila Brainy Bunch take over/tukar management/tukar brand whatsoever, I dah serik. Still I get the same feedbacks. And notice that, the fees is ridiculously increase every year. Sorry kalau bahasa kasar tapi that's my experience.
emm..BBIM ni ok ke tdak sebenarnya..
I baru plan nak hantar my doter (3 years) to BBIM Seksyen 3 Shah Alam.
Sesiapa yang ada experince kat BBIM Sek 3 Shah Alam, boleh share tak?
I sent my son (1 year pluss) to BBIM KL Sentral in July 2014.
The students in my son's class (age 1-3 yrs) are so many..a teacher said it was 25 ppl...but the number of teacher who really see the students is one. Does not comply with Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat that sets the teacher student ratio of 1:5.On the first day of school, I asked how many teachers are there but BBIM KL Sentral was reluctant to tell.
My son got small wounds in his stomach and face almost once in two days. He attended BBIM KL Sentral for 8 days only before I unenroll him. This because no teachers are watching what happenened in the classroom which caused my son to have wounds in his face and limbs!!!!
I have heard many complaints that BBIM branches are mostly understaffed because BBIM grow too fast that BBIM is not able to catch up with teacher student ratio requirement set by Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.
Now my son is so traumatic..too small and young to become traumatic.
My experience with BBIM is also bad...not recommended..tak pentingkan anak n i totally agree with the negative comments made by some in 2011 above...n sadly they are exactly the same now..my girl will be in std 1 nxt yr n i worried how will she cope..baca tulis pun x pandai sgt..we as the parents yg kena bagi daily night tuition..BBIm very dissapoiting..on their FB n website of course all good review..cos the delete all negative commentz..mine included..very dissapointing
goodbuy BBIM Shah Alam Sec 3 tu ke..?
Noah Ark macam mana ok tak for 3 years old kid? Sape2 ada experience please share.
Not sure what to comment.
Enrolled my son to BBIM Sek 3 Shah Alam. His english, doa and agama semua very well. Terharu tgk hafal banyak ayat2 doa siap terjemahan all in english. Pergaulan also very very good. Cakap english sesama teachers and friends. However, Im quite disappointed with his edu progress.
He's 5 now going 6 next year. Still unable to read. A-Z pon dah confuse since phonics method pronounce bunyi. Numbers, dulu pon math dia very good but now mcm so-so. Just basic ones. 1-50 pon still kena assist.
I selaku ibu agak bimbang cos kita tak tahu apa progress anak dekat BBIM. Pergi melenggang, balik also melenggang without books/homework. The fees agak pricey. Bukanlah tak bagus but prestasi sama mcm I hantar anak ke PASTI masa 4 tahun.
Now Im in dilemma. Should I continue bagi chance for 6yo nanti pula (since I pon tak sure if my boy yg left behind sikit) OR find another place (better late than never).
Ina..my expruence kat saujana impian kajang...
Dayana..i wud advise...chnage school..jgn menyesal like me
As'Salam, saya hantar anak kat Tadika i-Brain Islamic Kid Center di Pelangi Semenyih 2. Terbaik Tadika ni. Yuran pun murah. tak sampai 2 bulan sekolah, Anak saya dah pandai hafal surah lazim. Bagus Betul. Boleh Rujuk dkt sini http://ibrainislamic.wix.com/ibrain
Assalam all. It looks like mothers zaman sekarang terlalu mengharapkan tadika untuk anak jadi pandai. Saya juga hantar anak ke nuh's ark, tapi saya rasa sekolah hanyalah pelengkap kepada our children's education needs. Asas yg paling penting adalah pendidikan awal anak-anak yang sepatutnya diberikan oleh ibu bapa. Anak saya seawal usia setahun setengah telah pun kenal abc, 1-20, shapes, colours etc. Saya cuma harapkan tadika untuk melatih pergaulan, kehidupan dunia luar selain keluarga, dan rutin serta disiplin kehidupan. Saya hantar ke sekolah dgn harapan anak belajar untuk jatuh bangun ketika bermain dgn rakan sebaya, luka calar sikit-sikit supaya dia belajar untuk berhati-hati. Ibu bapa yang lebih mengenali anak masing-masing, kenapa perlu megharapkan report card drp guru? Finally, saya puas hati dgn Nuh's Ark kerana sistem yg digunakan lebih kepada mendidik kanak-kanak tentang kehidupan. Malah bila saya bandingkan dengan anak-anak saudara yang belajar di jepun, sistem mereka hampir sama, teaching kids on how to survive (less books, more on applications such as gardening, cuci kelas etc)
Salam all, for sharing :)
Salam... how do you teach your kid? Did you send for full time program. Really look forward to your reply.
Sending our kids to school for education but teacher I met was uneducated and unprofessional. A bad experienced with Q-dees Taman Serdang Utama.
Sebagai seorang ibu, kemajuan anak saya ialah kepentingan kedua. Sebaliknya saya pentingkan tingkah laku anak Saya lepas pergi ke sekolah. Sikap pengetua dan guru amat penting!
Setakat ni kualiti Genius Aulad yang sangat konsisten saya dengar dan pengalaman sendiri dengan 4 orang anak drp GA USJ , kemudian GA Putra Heights, GA Kota Kemuning . Semuanya good progress .
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